
Introduction to SIL/SIS for Operations and Maintenance Technicians

Written by Risk Alive | Nov 25, 2024 10:28:53 PM

Personal Development

Two classroom or remote training days
Providing 1.6 CEU (Continuing Education Units) or 16 PDH (Professional Development Hours)

Course Overview 

This course is available by private training only. Please contact us at to discuss training options.

This 2-day workshop will give Operations and Maintenance personnel an understanding of “Functional Safety”, and the relationship of Safety Instrumented System (SIS) with respect to process and operational related hazards.

The course introduces the concepts and definitions related to Process Hazards, Risk Analysis, Safety Instrumented Systems, and Functional Safety Management. It will provide details on maintaining Safety Instrumented Systems and Safety Instrumented Functions in accordance with latest IEC 61511:2016 standards and encapsulate the concepts of Safety Integrity Level with a hands-on workshop on the afternoon of day 2.

The course starts by giving important information on how to capture and present risk at your facility, using best practice in industry, then addresses, using the results of your Process Hazard Analyses, SIL Determination (LOPA), as well as SIL Verification methodologies, and ends by looking at ways of managing risk in real time during operations and maintenance.

From a good P&ID to a great contingency safety plan for operations and maintenance, many people are involved in this process and it’s important to understand where the information is transferred and how each phase of the project relates to the next until it arrives with Operations and Maintenance, all being managed with the use of dedicated safety best practices methods and tools.

The data collected in the initial stages of your new or existing project will ultimately have an impact on how your operators run the plant, so it is important to know how to ensure nothing is missed or forgotten, so you can prevent hazardous scenarios from occurring.

This course is not just for the experts but is a valuable overview for anyone involved in hazard prevention and risk management at any level. No knowledge of the IEC 61511 guidelines or other standards is required to participate. Past course participants have ranged from Vice Presidents to Project Managers and Engineers.

Course Benefits

  • What is a Safety Instrumented System and what do we use it for?
  • Why do we have a SIS?
  • How do we use and maintain an SIS?
  • SIS/SIL for Operations & Maintenance

Prerequisites or Related Courses

There are no prerequisites for this course. However, this course is an ideal prerequisite for Operations and Maintenance personnel to show leadership in process safety.

Who Should Attend

Anyone who works in close proximity to hazardous processes such as Operations and Maintenance Personnel, Supervisors, Engineers and Safety Professionals who require a sound understanding of risk and risk management.

  • Maintenance Personnel
  • Field and control room operators
  • Instrument and Electrical technicians
  • Technicians involved in the commissioning, testing, operation, maintenance support, modification and change management of Safety Instrumented System for process plant applications

Why Choose Risk Alive®?

Our courses and workshops are experiential, interactive and provide participant’s with practical knowledge and tools that can be immediately applied back at work.

We also offer options for in-person or remote training experiences, as well as private and customizable training courses for you or your team.